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seepex.de. The site crew working under foreman Giancarlo Pellegrini had already had experience of how to assemble and use the automatic climbing formwork correctly, and this - plus the assistance given them by an experienced Doka field service technician at the beginning of the forming operations - let them achieve a record-breaking three-day cycle for the 4.5 m high casting steps. deviations from the testing plan or from standard operation procedures, statement of the person in charge for testing on the test report about the test performance meeting GLP (GLP declaration), statement of the QA unit about audits carried out and reports on possible deviations (QA declaration) and at least the complete recording of all documents connected with the test, including raw data Personalführung von 170 Mitarbeitern (Ingenieure, Meister und Produktionspersonal) // Managed plant complex for prototype production involving highly toxic and explosive materials, GMP, authorization from local authorities, HAZOP studies. Led team of 170 engineers, supervisors and technicians Accordingly, and in particular given the fact that the old floating dock could not have been enlarged for technical reasons and that the larger ships in the Baltic make it necessary for the yard to adapt its repair facilities in order to remain in the business, it is the opinion of the Commission that replacing the old floating dock by a new one with greater breadth and lifting capacity to be Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Zbig Zdanowicz im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Zbig Zdanowicz ist 1 Job angegeben. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Zbig Zdanowicz und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Fremdsprachen: Englisch EDV-Kenntnisse: Expertenkenntnisse in Siemens Automatisierungssteuerungen S5/S7, Profibus, WINCC Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Windows Betriebssysteme, MS Office Paket Prof, MS Office 365, MS Projekt, MS Visio, div.